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Vargas vs. Bradley.

Vargas vs. Bradely. Saturday June 27th 2015. Live from the Stub Hub Center. California.

Looks to be a great fight tonight in the out door arena. We are predicting a 12 round decision victory for Timothy Bradely.

Vargas wearing white and gold, Bradely wearing blue.

Round 1
Both fighters exchanging. Bradley looking sharp. Nice jab from Vargas. Bradley the aggressor. They are banging. Great right from Bradely.
10-9 Bradely.

Round 2
Fighters come out swinging. Great fight so far. Great left from Vargas. Fighters tie up. Bradley still the aggressor.
10-9 Bradley.

Round 3
Bradley coming out swinging. Bradley jabs. Fighters exchange. Jabs from Vargas. Fighters touch and exchange. Good fight
10-9 Bradley.

Round 4
Bradley comes out strong again. Bradley moving forward. Big shots from Bradley. Uppercut from Bradley. Great from shots from Bradley. Vargas lands body shots. Bradley lands to the head. Vargas stumbled by a big shot.
10-9 Bradley.

Round 5
Bradley swinging. Fighters exchange. Vargas bleeding from his nose. Uppercut from Bradley. Nice flurry at the end of the round by both fighters.
10-9 Bradley.

Round 6
Bradley the aggressor. Both fighters swing and miss. Right from Bradley. Vargas needs to do something here. Fighters exchanging.
10-9 Bradley.

Round 7
Bradley jabs. Big right from Bradley. Bradley jabs. Right again from Bradley. Vargas wobbled. Jab from Bradley. Vargas holding. Big shots to the face from Bradley.
10-9 Bradley.

Round 8
Bradley is like the terminator. He just keeps coming. Big shots from Vargas. Bradley fighting Vargas fighting. Body shots from Bradley.
10-9 Bradley.

Round 9
Big shot from Bradley. Bradley hitting Vargas. Jab from Bradley. Right from Bradley. Good shots from fighters shots from Vargas at the end of the round.
10-9 Vargas.

Round 10
Fighters hold. Bradley chasing Vargas. Jab from Bradley. Three jabs from Vargas. Fighters exchange.
10-9 Bradley.

Round 11
Fighter exchange even, not and exciting round.
10-9 Vargas.

Round 12
The championship round. Here we go! Bradley jabs. Vargas holds Bradley’s head down. Fighters hold. Good shot from Vargas, good return from Bradley! Bradley aggressing. Bradley wobbled by a great shot. Bradley holds on. The referee waves the fight off. He must be in error. He must have thought he heard the bell.
10-9 Vargas.

We go to the score cards.

117 Bradley. 111 for Vargas. – glass jaw.

Judges at ring side.
Timothy Bradley wins and is the new champion of the world by unanimous decision.

Pat Russell stole a possible knockout from Vargas. He had Bradley on the ropes and possibly he could have knocked him out. Bradley fought great! Vargas fought great! Bradley fights with guys and determination. He can’t seem to get a win that is clean in victory. The Pacquiao win was tainted, the Marquez win was tainted, the Provodnikov win was tainted, then he had a draw where he clearly won. Tim Bradley has paid his dues, he is an elite fighter, one of the toughest guys I have ever seen fight and deserves a break! Great fight guys!