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Guerrero vs. Thurman

Robert Guerrero 32-2-1vs Keith Thurman. 24-0 Live from Las Vegas, NV. At the MGM Grand.

This will be a great fight. Guerrero has not lost since he fought Mayweather. Thurman is undefeated. I like Guerrero as a fighter he is tough. He is a Christian and he gives God the glory for his fights! Tonight at Glass Jaw we are pulling for Guerrero. Guerrero fights for his family. His wife is a cancer survivor.

Thurman a great puncher has 21 knockouts. He will be looking to knockout Guerrero. Thurman’s last fight was not as impressive we will see how he fights tonight! Thurman is young and hungry. He will fight tough! Guerrero has never been knocked out so we will see how this challenge plays out.

I am predicting Guerrero by

Kenny Bayless will referee the fight!

Round 1
Both fighters look focused. Guerrero jabbing. Very aggressive start for both fighters. Looks like a good fight here. Great exchanges. Thurman good punches. Hitting Guerrero.

10-9 Thurman.

Round 2
Both fighters feeling each other out. Guerrero punching and agressing. Thurman looks to be in great shape. Guerrero looks to be hurt by several shots from Thurman.

10-9 Thurman.

Round 3
Both fighters exchanging. Thurman is faster than Guerrero. Guerrero punching with power. There is a huge lump on Thurmans head.

10-9 Guerrero

Round 4
A head but caused the lump on Thurmans head. Good exchanges more pressure from Thurman. A solid right hand from Thurman.

10-9 Thurman.

Round 5
Slow round. Both fighters punching but not much happening. Guerrero taking it Thurman but Thurman answering back. Great exchanges in the last 20 seconds.

10-9 Guerrero

Round 6

Both dancing around. Right from Guerrero. Great punches from Thurman. No answer from Guerrero. Strong right from Thurman. Guerrero hit hard again and again with nothing from The Ghost.

10-9 Thurman.

Round 7
Guerrero missing with punches. Guerrero the aggressor. Slow round.

10-9 Thurman.

Round 8
Guerrero needs a knockout at this point. Guerrero needs to jab and be the aggressor. Not a lot of action here. Guerrero fighting but takes a big shot.

10-9 Thurman.

Round 9
The lump on Thurmans head is extremely large. Three jabs from Thurman. Not a lot of heavy action. Guerreros eyes swelling. Looks like both fighters are taking a break in this round. Down goes Guerrero from a huge uppercut. And his eye is cut. Thurman pounding on Guerrero he is hurt. Thurman bombing punches into the face of Guerrero. And Guerrero is saved by the bell.

10-8 Thurman.

Round 10.
Guerrero fighting. Time out to fix the tape on Guerrero’s glove. Blood streaming down Guerrero’s face. Guerrero fighting. Thurman punching. Guerrero has s huge heart. Both fighters slugging.

10-9 Guerrero

Round 11
Guerrero stalking Thurman. Hard right hand from Thurman. One two punches from Thurman. Thurman dancing and ducking. Not an impressive round from Thurman. Guerrero has the heart of a Champion.

10-9 Guerrero

Round 12. Championship round.
They come out slugging. Guerrero chasing Thurman. Guerrero slugging Thurman. Both fighters against the ropes slugging.
Great fight !! We go to the score cards!

10-9 Guerrero

Glass Jaw score.
115-112 Thurman.


Thurman is the champion.
Congratulations to Keith one time Thurman. Great fight guys. We look forward to fights in the future from both fighters.