Gonzalez vs. Pascal.
July 25th 2015.
Gonzalez vs. Pascal.
Normally we don’t report on the under card fights. But we saw a up and coming no name fighter from Cuba, man handle the veteran Jean Pascal.
Yuniesky Gonzalez pounded Pascal from the opening bell to the closing bell. Yuniesky Gonzalez handedly won that fight. I scored the fight 98-92 in favor of Yuniesky Gonzalez. HBO scored the fight 97-93 in favor of Yuniesky Gonzalez. The judges gave the fight to Pascal 96-94 all three scored the fight the same. What a joke.
“I am so sad. I was the real fighter,” Gonzalez said. “That was taken from me. He did not win. I did. I am the real winner.”
This is the truest statement of the night. Pascal lost. The judges are bums.
This is another example of judges doing a miserable job. These judges should be written up and removed from the sport.
Judges –
Eric Cheek – 3 title fights. I believe has scored one previous fight completely wrong. How can they let this guy continue judging. What a joke. Eric Cheek your a BUM.
John McKaie – 18 world title fights. Pretty good judge. But my opinion is he sucked in this fight. Terrible judging. Terrible. John McKaie your a BUM.
Ricardo Ocasio – new judge. To new to be scoring big fights. Ricardo Ocasio your a BUM.
All three judges should be permanently banned from scoring boxing. What a joke. Gonzalez clearly won that fight. – judges how much were you paid to throw this fight!
Gonzalez we want to see you fight again!!! You are a true fighter.
Pascal, doesn’t deserve another fight against Kovalev.
We need scoring regulation in boxing. Another black eye for the sweet science. Gonzalez clearly won that fight.