Broner vs. Theophane
Broner vs Theophane April 1st 2016
Round 1
10-9 Broner
Round 2
10-9 Broner
Round 3
10-9 Broner.
Round 4
10-9 Broner.
Round 5
10-9 Broner
Round 6
Round 7
Round 8
10-9 Broner.
Round 9
Broner – KO. Nice fight from Broner. Broner calls out Mayweather at the end of the fight. Mayweather just smiles back, nothing to say. Broner talks about growing up on Corn Flakes and Water. His legal troubles surround him. The report I have seen is that Broner robbed a man who beat him bowling. They were playing for cash and Broner was not happy about losing. We will see wha happens to Broner in the future.